Alcohol & Drug Addicted Lawyers!

Your Attention Please!

New York – May 9, 2017 – The presence of peoples with material use disorders in the working area is a major issue. Over 77%* of illicit drug addicts are employed and that’s why the loss in productivity my resulting from drug and alcohol abuse is significant. Alcoholism alone is highly responsible for 500 million lost work days** each year. “Drugs and alcohol have no social, economic or educational barriers, and legal professionals face unique stressors” says leading Addiction Expert Dr. Indra Cidambi. In fact, lawyers are almost twice as likely*** to struggle with alcohol abuse as compared to the general population!

“Now a days, lawyers start facing very heavy workloads and so conflicting with their value systems right when they enters the law school, and they may use alcohol or drugs to cope,” says Dr. Cidambi. “They are also suffering from higher rates of mental health issues, which may give access to prescription medication that could be addictive.” As per a study in 2016**** more than 1 from 5 lawyers are reported that they feels that their use of alcohol and some other drugs was problematic at some edge in their lives, and, of these, nearly 3 of 4 reported that their problematic use started after they joined law school.
Dr. Indra Cidambi

It is proved from these statistics that people in some legal profession are at a raised risk of facing substance use disorders. Consequently, they need to be proactive in reaching out and leaning on their support system before they feel trapped and overwhelmed.

Dr. Indra Cidambi shows some major factors that leads to substance abuse among lawyers and also suggests some actions so that they could take a step to prevent falling into the trap of addiction:

Law School Tests Their Mettle 

“For most of the students, the excitement of getting into law school finishes when they start their school,” says Dr. Cidambi. Excessive workloads and some intense competition with like-minded perfectionists lead to long hours of study and it creates a large amount of stress. Additionally, the emphasis on the analysis made many students lose their connections to their original ambition for joining law school – passion for the law or helping people. “Students, therefore, turn to alcohol or drugs to relieve tension and relax,” adds Dr. Cidambi.

Work – Not As Noble Anymore

“In addition to creating conflicts with their own value system the burden at work can be intensely painful,” says Dr. Cidambi. “Lawyers are unique in that they are not only required to do the work for long duration to satisfy their existing clients, but also to generate new business, and they finds themselves working constantly in order to climb the corporate ladder and be named a partner in a law firm,” adds Dr. Cidambi. “This working schedule sometimes crack the relations at home, leaving them with no one to turn to.“ In such obstacles, lawyers may lean on alcohol or drugs for support.

Lawyers More Prone to Mental Health Issues

As per, many law students shows the signs of depression, anxiety, hostility and paranoia within 6 months of entering law school. After the completion of first year of law school, 40% of law students started suffering from depression which persists through law school and their careers. “Practicing lawyers find that they have to compromise with their ethical principles or moral values, which creates a conflict in between them,” says Dr. Cidambi. “They may also need to take and defend positions that are contrary to their belief scenario.” As per the study of 2016 **** 6 out of 10 participants reported anxiety, 1 out of 2 reported depression, and nearly 1 in 8 reported ADHD. Also in addition, 1 in 9 reported suicidal thoughts at some stage during their career. This leads them to either attempt to self-medicate using alcohol or drugs or provides them access to addictive medications through the medical system.

How Can Lawyers Cope?

Maintaining balance between work and life isn't easier said than done for people in the legal profession, mostly junior lawyers, as they have none control over their work schedules. In addition, debt calculated during law school sticks over their head, allowing them little freedom while making career decisions. “However, those young lawyers need to know that their well-being is tied to staying physically and mentally healthy,” says Dr. Cidambi. “If you feel the demands at work are overwhelming, talk to your boss or mentor and let him/her
know that you are unable to cope with that much workload and enlist their support.” This is the most important step one can take as the conversation will be with the person who can directly controls the workloads. All employers want a healthy employee and will help address concerns. You should also be capable to open up to one family member or friend who will be able to suggest you as an outsider. This will help relieve some tension and work as a support system. “If you are already in a bad condition and are abusing some substances to cope, you should schedule a substance abuse evaluation with a proper counselor.”
For more information on substance abuse dependency, addiction and treatment, please go to

About Dr. Indra Cidambi

Indra Cidambi, M.D., Medical Director, Center for Network Therapy, is well known as a leading expert and pioneer in the field of Addiction Medicine. Under her leadership the Center for Network Therapy started New Jersey’s first state authorized Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification program for all substances on four years from now. Dr. Cidambi is the Vice President of the New Jersey Society of Addiction Medicine and is Board Certified in General Psychiatry and double Board Certified in Addiction Medicine (ABAM, ABPN). Dr. Cidambi has a fluency in five languages, including Russian.

About Center for Network Therapy

Center for Network Therapy (CNT) was the introductory organization in New Jersey having authority for providing Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification facilities for abuse of substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines and opiates. Lead by a Board Certified Addiction Psychiatrist, Indra Cidambi, M.D., experienced physicians and nurses closely monitors each patient’s progress. With CNT’s best client care and high quality treatment, Dr. Cidambi and her clinical team have successfully detoxed over 1,000 patients in past four years.

* National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
** U.S. Department of Labor
*** Lawyer Assistance Program
**** The Prevalence of Substance Use and Other Mental Health Concerns Among American Attorneys; Krill, Patrick R. JD, LLM; Johnson, Ryan MA; Albert, Linda MSSW

For more details visit  : Center for network Therapy 
Address : B, 333 Cedar Ave #3 , Middlesex, NJ 08846 
Mobile : +1 (732)560-1080
